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Spring festival for young musicians „Over the Rainbow“

Photography and filming policy


Spring festival for young musicians „Over the Rainbow” works with children and young people.


1.  The purpose of this policy is to:

  •   protect children and young people that take part in the Spring Festival for young musicians’s “Over the Rainbow” virtual and live events and activities, specifically those where photographs and videos may be taken

  • set out the overarching principles that guide our approach to photographs/videos being taken of children and young people during our events and activities

  •  to ensure that we operate in line with our values and within the law when creating, using and sharing videos and images of children and young people

This policy statement applies to all staff, volunteers and other adults associated with Spring Festival for young musicians “Over the Rainbow”.

2.  Photography and filming for Spring Festival for young musicians’s  „Over the Rainbow“ use – Virtual part

  • We recognise that our team may use your videos as an aid in activities such in the Virtual part.

  •  Children/young people and their parents/carers must be made aware that this is part of the program and give written consent.

  • By signing up to participate in the virtual part of the festival, you give us permission to use the videos with your performance(s) you have sent us via the participation form.


3.  Photography and filming for Spring Festival for young musicians’s  „Over the Rainbow“ use – Live events

  • We recognise that our team may use photography and filming as an aid in activities such as the final live concert.  


  • When children, parents/carers are taking pictures or filming at our live events and the images are for personal use, we will publish guidance about image sharing in the event programmes and/or announce details of our photography policy before the start of the event.

This includes:

  • reminding parents/carers and children that they need to give consent for Spring Festival for young musicians “Over the Rainbow”to take and use images of children

  •  asking for photos taken during the event not to be shared on social media or asking people to gain permission from children and their parents/carers before sharing photographs and videos that include them

  •  recommending that people check the privacy settings on their social media account to understand who else will be able to view any images they share

  •  reminding children, parents and carers who they can talk to if they have any concerns about images being shared.

If we hire a photographer for our live events, we will seek to keep children and young people safe by:

  • providing the photographer with a clear brief about appropriate content and behaviour

  • ensuring the photographer wears identification at all times

  • informing children and parents/carers that a photographer will be at the event and ensuring they give written consent to images which feature their child being taken and shared


Photography and/or filming for wider use

 If people such as local journalists, professional photographers (not hired by the Spring Festival for young musicians “ Over the Rainbow”) or students wish to record one of our events and share the images professionally or in the wider world, it is mandatory for them to seek permission in advance. They must provide:

  • the name and address of the person using the camera

  • the names of children they wish to take images of (if possible)

  • the reason for taking the images and/or what the images will be used for

  • a signed declaration that the information provided is valid and that the images will only be used for the reasons given.

Spring Festival for young musicians “Over the Rainbow”  will verify these details and decide whether to grant permission for photographs/films to be taken. We will seek consent from the children who are the intended subjects of the images and their parents and inform the photographer of anyone who does not give consent. At the event we will inform children, parents and carers that an external photographer is present and ensure they are easily identifiable, for example by using them with a coloured identification badge.

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